Saturday, December 29, 2012

An End of a Season - Pre-schooler

Something has changed since November.  I felt something was different, but I couldn't put my finger on it until one day I realized what it was.  I'm changing seasons.  I no longer have a child who is a toddler or pre-schooler. Weird.  Because I spread out our kiddos, we've had a toddler for 14 years.

Kate turned 6 in November.  I know this sounds strange but I feel like I've awakened from a long winter's sleep.  Don't get me wrong, I've thoroughly enjoyed my children at all their stages and I wasn't asleep while raising them!  Ha!  It's just that, as the mom, I was always the one who was watching the stroller at amusement parks, nursing the first 12 months, being the main caretaker (although my hubby is super helpful when he's off work and is an amazing father).  Well, now all my kids can wipe their own bottoms, (okay, that's actually been happening for a long time, but hey, it's an important one), shower themselves, dress themselves, my older son does his own laundry, do dishes, clean the TOILET (that was huge!), vacuum, mow, make their own lunch. Wow, this list just makes me SO happy!

I feel we're at that point where we can just start enjoying each other.  Ya know?

I have a bit more freedom to work on something if I want to or need to.  It's been cold outside so I started a puzzle.  Really?  I don't know if I've ever done a puzzle just for fun.  And it is fun!

My kids are playing games with each other and me.  We are making memories and new family traditions.

I heard someone say once that you need to enjoy each season you are in and get everything out of it because the lessons you learn are preparing you for your next season.

I don't know all the things my next season holds, but I do know that I embraced motherhood fully and deeply and my heart is overwhelmed with the things I'm reaping from early motherhood.  Children I enjoy being with, hugs and kisses freely given and received, little notes of love from my Katie girl, a son who's not embarrassed to dance with his mom in the kitchen and another one who is a little embarrassed but records it anyway so we can laugh later.

I love these kiddos.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lisa, this is a heartwarming blog! You are a wonderful mother and I know you have embraced each season your children have been in.  You are teaching them how to be responsible adults someday. I use to say one thing about parenting is it is constant. Take a big deep breath and enjoy the fruit of your labor!
